Project Writing, Management and Consultancy

TRIADA can write and coordinate your international, European, national or local projects. First we will do a need analysis and partner search and then write your project. Upon wish we will assist you also during the implementation of your project with various services such as trainings, finances, maintaining international contacts, translation, reporting.

We are working with various funding resources such as EU (Grant Funds, Leonardo Da Vinci, Structural Funds, etc.), National Funds (MATRA from the Netherlands, embassy funds, etc.), World Bank Funds (TUBITAK Funds, 7th Framework, etc.), Private Foundation Funds, etc.

Company Matchmaking

TRIADA can find suitable partners for international companies looking for business inTurkey or for Turkish companies looking for international partners. After an intake with your company, TRIADA prepares a long list with partners that match your wishes. Then we arrange the meetings with the most promising companies of your choice, so that you can find your ideal business partner. This can be arranged for one company but also for groups of companies which can be advantageous.


TRIADA can find funds, grants, sponsors or other (co-)financing opportunities for you activities from various resources such as EU Grants, private companies, Matraflex, World Bank, Private Foundation Grants, etc.

Trainee & Personnel placements 

For educational institutes or companies: 
TRIADA assists you with placement, accommodation and training of your students or personnel in Antalya and can be your partner in Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig or other projects. 

For students or personnel: 
Are you interested in a work placement or a job in Antalya? TRIADA offers the following service package:

  • Connect you to a suitable company/ hotel
  • Introduction day
  • Practical info package
  • Local assistance by our Dutch consultant
  • Certificate after a fulfilled work placement.

For Turkish companies or hotels: 
TRIADA can find suitable (international) personnel for your company or hotel. After preparing a job description based on your criteria, we will spread it in our national and international networks and among our pool of candidates. We will send you a short-list of CV's and you can choose most suitable candidates for your hotel or company.


TRIADA can provide personal and institutional development trainings for your staff, members or volunteers on a wide range of topics such as project management, intercultural management, how to do business on the international markets, team building, time and stress management and (business) languages. For this we have a pool of (international) experts available. Below you will find some examples.


  • What is a project? Why to develop projects? 
  • Tools and methods for a good project 
  • Planning stage
  • Establishing work plan
  • Effective budget development and management techniques
  • Basics/ essentials of a project 


  • Grants and funds: How and where to start?
  • From problem to solution; establishing problem and need analysis 
  • Existing grants and funds (European Union, United Nations, government, embassy funds, etc.)
  • Application and evaluation process 
  • Reading grant application guidelines
  • Useful tips for application
  • Reaching your target group
  • Finding the right partners and/or stakeholders
  • Logical Framework approach
  • Establish a correct and effective project budget
  • Dissemination of results: Valorisation and multiplier effects
  • Sustainability: Guarantee the future of the project 
  • Effective visibility methods 
  • Checklist for project management stage
  • Reporting.

* Upon request, this workshop can be organised for a specific grant scheme (Leonardo Da Vinci, Culture Programme, Youth, etc.).
* The project trainings can be organised in Turkish and English.
* For tailor-made trainings for you and your organisation, please contact us via our “Contact” page.

Monitoring Relevant Policies and Financing Opportunities

TRIAD1A can monitor and follow the relevant policies and (co-)financing opportunities for your company or organisation and give you regular updates

Social Responsibility Projects

TRIADA can turn your creative ideas into projects that will help you meet your target group in an alternative way, enable good publicity and contribute to the society. In other words, Social Responsibility Projects are good examples of the fashionable ‘practical idealism’.

Finding National and International Partners

TRIADA can find suitable national or international partners for your company, organisation or institution for your projects or investments. 

International Internship Programmes

TRIADA can find suitable (international) students for your company or hotel studying in relevant fields. After preparing a vacancy based on your criteria, we will disperse it in our national and international networks and among our pool of candidates. We will send you a shortlist of CVs and you can choose your most suitable candidates for your hotel or company. 

Translation Services

TRIADA can translate your projects, brochures, press releases or other texts in Turkish, English, Dutch, Russian, German, Spanish or Italian according to your wishes. Also we can carry out simultaneous or consecutive oral translations during your conferences or meetings. For this we have a pool of professionals and students available.